Story Lab

People tell me all the time that they want to get better at public speaking . . . and they ask me how they can do that.

I learned through a decade of spending nearly every day in front of judges and juries as a NYC prosecutor. . . and many hours on live television commenting on legal cases in the headlines. I watched other lawyers, prepared, practiced, and got better with each trial and television appearance. But you don't have to brave the high stakes intensity of NYC courtrooms to become a better communicator.

What if you could improve your speaking in a week or two, with personalized expert coaching, in a fun and interactive environment with a group of like-minded learners? And leave with frameworks for continuing to grow and improve?

I was accepted into the Maven accelerator to create a cohort-based course, and I’m so excited to be building Story Lab! After a decade as a NYC trial lawyer and 45+ trials, I’m bringing the skills I honed in the courtroom to the classroom to help executives and entrepreneurs make their speaking and presentations shine (and there may be a few trial and tv stories thrown in there, too . . .)

But I need your help as I create this course. What are your challenges with public speaking? If you invested in becoming a better speaker, what skills would you want to take away that would make that investment worthwhile?

So far people have asked about:

  1. Becoming more concise and engaging

  2. Overcoming the nerves you get before presenting

  3. Discovering your unique speaking style and harness your strengths (and weaknesses).

  4. Developing compelling content for your presentations with a proven narrative and storytelling framework. 

  5. Connecting with your audiences through marrying this excellent content to strong delivery and creating speaking magic.

I’ve taught these principles to VC funded founders, authors, coaches, consultants, and attorneys, and now I’d love to teach you too!

If this sounds interesting to you, please take 2 minutes to fill out my survey and join the waitlist. I’d love to keep you updated on when the course launches. Thank you!


Camera Confidence


The 3 C’s